Stakeholder Engagement

In addition to this website, which facilitates customers and showcases K-Electric’s operational, environmental and social initiatives and investments, the organisation has created structured platforms to actively engage with all its stakeholders.

Brand Management

The brand management function at K-Electric continues to create business value and enhance the organisation’s brand equity, which has consistently shown a positive growth trend. The perception of the utility has steadily moved to a healthy level in the past four years, as established by AC Nielsen’s Brand Tracker Study.

Digital Marketing

K-Electric has a huge presence on all major social media platforms – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube – which allows it to engage with stakeholders on a real-time basis and provide a service window to consumers. KE has been acknowledged as the first utility in the country to have a social media presence comparable to service sector giants.

  • Through Facebook and Twitter, consumers can conveniently reach us with their complaints or queries and receive a response in real time – round-the-clock, 365 days a year.
  • Our social media channels provide updates on new and ongoing projects. During crises, these channels provide live updates.
  • KE maintains a top of the line employer profile on LinkedIn to stay in touch with potential employees, who can stay up-to-date with our business activities, while keeping an eye out for recruitment drives and job opportunities.
  • KE’s strong sporting presence is reflected in our social media accounts. A separate platform for sports on Twitter (@Kelectricsports) provides updates.
  • Our social media platforms use the newest design trends, techniques and technology to conduct campaigns which are widely acclaimed.


K-Electric has also launched a text-based communication channel, enabling us to communicate with customers in real time. As customer mobile numbers are mapped with the utility’s network data, the text channel is used to provide area-wise updates and register employee complaints.

Media Engagement

K-Electric has maintained a consistent focus on enhancing its engagement with the media. Through a multi-tier strategy based on proactive, open and regular information-sharing, the organisation’s point of view is effectively portrayed on key issues and subjects.

The utility regularly holds interactive dialogue sessions with media outlets centred on the real-time challenges and problems faced by the energy sector. As a result, the media’s coverage of the power sector has become more critical, informed and responsible.

External Stakeholders

K-Electric’s management and leadership is engaged in constant dialogue with key stakeholders in the energy sector, from ministries and regulatory bodies to power sector players and key suppliers.

The organisation has brought issues such as electricity theft, electricity conservation, fuel supply constraints, tariff rationalisation and circular debt to the forefront of public discourse.
K-Electric’s departmental heads and the CEO’s secretariat are in direct dialogue with all key trade associations and industries.

Annual and Quarterly financial reports are published for shareholders, portraying the economic, social and environmental initiatives of our organisation. An Annual General Body Meeting is held to communicate developments and clarify conflicts of interest.

To encourage the sharing of information, an extensive database comprising key stakeholders across the board has been developed to keep them informed regarding key initiatives taken by the company.

KE AZM, K-Electric’s external electronic newsletter, reaches around 1.2 million stakeholders on a quarterly basis via email. It covers major events and updates.

Internal Stakeholders

Driving productivity through people, AZM is perhaps the largest change management programme in the corporate history of Pakistan, covering K-Electric’s top leadership, middle management and non-management staff through sessions that instill uniform and responsible values in all employees, while strengthening management-employee relationships. So far, almost 11,000 employees have been reached through this initiative.

  • Our Hamara Azm emails serve as a medium of communication regarding organisational strategy, events, announcements and milestones.
  • K-Electric’s intranet serves as a communication and administrative platform for employees. The portal also serves as a forum for internal news and a secure platform for data sharing.
  • AZM is K-Electric’s monthly internal newsletter in Urdu, which is circulated to the community of 11, 000-plus employees, keeping them updated with all major internal developments. AZM focuses on real-life events and showcases the achievements of employees.
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