Technical Queries

For all EMERGENCY complaints (e.g. broken wire or sparking), please call (021)118 immediately.

K-Electric continually strives to be accessible and approachable for all our valued customers and thus are available through multiple conventional and digital touchpoints. Complaints may be raised through any of the below channels:

Log in to KE Live now. Register with a few clicks through mobile or desktop to get real-time power updates, duplicate bill, lodge a complaint, report power theft and many more features. Download now from Playstore or Appstore.

SMS us: You can send complaints via SMS following a one-time registration process. To lodge your complaint, type CHAT [space], [your message] and SMS it to 8119.

Call us: To make a complaint, please call (021)118 or (021)99000 to speak to one of our representatives.

Facebook us: Visit our page at and inbox us your issue.

Tweet us: Share your concern with us at @KElectricPk.

Bill understanding

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