Report Theft

K-Electric is committed to serving the people of Karachi with consistent and reliable power. To achieve this vision, the utility must also combat the societal menace of power theft and illegal abstraction.
Through Project Ujala, K-Electric works with communities to bring an end to power theft and improve the quality of life for citizens across the city. By installing kunda-resistant Aerial Bundled Cables (ABC), K-Electric is able to assure both safety and higher system-efficiencies. See how K-Electric is bringing about a positive change in the lives of thousands of people.

We are grateful to the public at large for their support in eradicating this hazard. To facilitate our customers, in addition to our other contact touchpoints, KE has established Speakup/Abb Bolo a platform where theft can be reported by means of phone, SMS and email with the assurance of anonymity.

Call us at (021)118 or (021)99000 to speak to one of our representatives.

Write to us: You can email us at

SMS us following a one-time registration process. Type CHAT [space], [your message] and SMS it to 8119.

Facebook us: Visit our page at and inbox us.

Tweet us: Share your concern with us at @KElectricPk.

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