Know Your



Frequently Asked Questions

K-Electric continually strives to be accessible and approachable for all our valued customers. At the top of every bill there is a Reach K-Electric Limited segment which highlights various means through which our consumers can contact our customer support staff.

  • Visit us: You may visit your designated Customer Care Centre mentioned on the top right-hand side of the bill.
  • Call us: To make a complaint, please call (021)118 or (021)99000 to speak to one of our representatives.
  • Write to us: You can also email us at
  • SMS us: You can send complaints via SMS following a one-time registration process. To lodge your complaint, type CHAT [space], [your message] and SMS it to 8119.
  • Facebook us: Visit our page at and inbox us your issue.
  • Tweet us: Share your concern with us at @KElectricPk

The QR code is a new initiative by K-Electric to facilitate its customers and provide them with valuable information such as Energy Conservation tips and tariff information through their smart phones simply by scanning the code. You may download any QR Code reader from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store to read the QR code.

This is the due amount that must be paid within the specified dates. This amount may include outstanding arrears from the previous months if any. Detailed information related to this is available at the back of the bill. In case of further queries, please reach out to our Call Centre at 118 or email us at
By paying their bills on time, consumers can save money by avoiding the Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) which is the penalty charged to the consumer in case of late payment.
If the Due Date has passed and the Amount Payable has not been paid by the customer, then a Late Payment Surcharge is levied which is equivalent to 10% of the amount billed, excluding government tax(es) and duty(ies).

Through the Message Board KE shares important updates with customers regarding their specific electricity connection. Consumers are requested to check this space in every bill to ensure that they stay updated.

Account Details are mentioned in the top of the bill. These include:

  • Consumer Name
  • Consumer Address
  • GST No. / NTN No. (only for applicable consumers)
  • Tariff details
  • Account Number

In case of any changes / updates to this information, please call 118 or visit your designated Integrated Business Center (IBC) mentioned on your bill under Reach K-Electric.

Every consumer’s Category and Tariff are included in the Consumer Details segment. For more information please refer to the latest applicable Tariff, which is notified by the Government of Pakistan, and available at
Thank you for being a Star Customer. Our Star Customers are KE’s most valued customers and we are truly grateful for your consistent support. Star Customers are entitled to privileges such as resolving issues on priority when complaints are lodged.

Becoming a Star Customer is easy: simply pay your KE bill consistently and regularly within the due date.

Energy consumption is correlated with the prevailing temperatures. Therefore, in the new bill, KE has included the average monthly temperature of the current month (e.g. March 2018), previous month (e.g. Feb 2018) and the same month last year (e.g. March 2017) along with the units consumed to help consumers track and manage their consumption better.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for indicative and information purposes only. Past consumption should not be taken as a guarantee of future consumption.

In the revamped bill, KE includes unit-wise energy consumption for:

  • Previous month
  • Same month in the Previous year
  • Previous 13 months

Knowing your historical energy consumption will allow you to anticipate and manage your energy usage better. It will also allow you to interpret your bill according to your consumption.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for indicative and information purposes only. Past consumption should not be taken as a guarantee of future consumption.

The Billing & Payment History section includes the Billed Amounts and the Date-wise payments made by the consumer for the prior 6 months.
K-Electric offers multiple conventional and online bill-payment solutions.

  • Monthly bills may be paid through branch banking and your nearest post office. For a complete list of banks where KE bill payments are accepted, please visit
  • K-Electric also accepts e-payments made through Internet and Mobile banking. Details of banks offering this facility are available at
  • KE also accepts payments through Telenor Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash, Nadra e-Sahulat, 1 Link, Mobile Paisa and other e-payment channels including UBL Omni and HBL Express.
The Billing Charge Mode (BCM) states whether the consumer has been charged on actual meter reading or on estimation. There are 4 billing charge modes, namely: Normal, Average, Detection and Adjustment. The BCM is mentioned at the back of the bill under ‘Your Current Bill Calculation’ along with Meter Number and Meter Reading Date. Please refer to Section 12 of Important Guidelines for Customers at the back of the bill for BCM.
The Account number is the single most important reference number for consumers and needs to be provided as a prerequisite for all interactions with KE. Through this number, we can access your customer account details and thus provide faster, personalised service.

The Contract number and Consumer number are relevant for internal use only by K-Electric and its vendors.

It stands for Meter Multiplying Factor and is specific for large industrial customers only.
The meters used for such consumers also include Current Transformer (CT). When the meter ratio is different from CT ratio, then both are divided to arrive at MMF which is multiplied by the meter reading to record the actual consumption.
It stands for Maximum Demand Indicator which means the maximum energy utilisation in the given month. Where applicable, it states the maximum load that is obtained in any month measured over intervals of 30 minutes each.
The billing statement acts as a reconciliation statement from previous to current amount payable. It shows customers their outstanding dues (if any), their recent transactions including any payments made, amount for their current month’s consumption and the total payment due.

To learn more about how you can conserve energy, please visit for consumption guidelines.

Our Energy Consumption Calculator will also help you estimate your monthly electricity expense and provide a comparison between conventional appliances and new energy efficient ones.

Bill understanding

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