K-Electric and UNICEF unite against childhood preventable diseases in Pakistan

K-Electric and UNICEF unite against childhood preventable diseases in Pakistan

Karachi, 22 April, 2014: Good Health, nutrition status, access to clean water and sanitation as well as education are part of fundamental rights of children. These rights make sense not just in principle but also in practice as poor social indicators have a significant negative impact on growth and social development. Often disparities in access to basic social services due to wealth, ethnicity, gender or location such as rural and urban location further amplify disparities in access. In efforts to meet children’s rights and for further development both public and private sectors supported by international organizations are coming together in an unprecedented manner as no single stakeholder can meet these challenges alone.

In line with its commitment to corporate responsibility and vision to support creating healthy societies. K- Electric (KE) has entered into an agreement with UNICEF to raise awareness of the vaccine for preventable diseases through establishing direct contact with different segments of society. The initiative implies dissemination of a series of motivational awareness messages, including Polio on the monthly electricity bills reaching to 2.3 million households across Karachi, including some areas of Sindh and Balochistan.

“We are pleased to join hands with UNICEF for such a noble cause for a healthier and brighter future of the young generations of Pakistan and we are glad to be part of a drive in which we help the future of Pakistan avoid major preventable diseases. We believe in this country and will strive for a better Pakistan in days to come” says CEO, Nayyer Hussain.

“Our partnership with KE is critical at a time when Pakistan is in the midst of realizing its Growth Strategy and development plans. KE’s commitment to children, is impressive, heartwarming and underpins that an investment in children is an investment in Pakistan’s future. With the right investment and focus we can forever change the lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged as access to health, nutrition, water and sanitation as well as education is increased. This support will assist in scaling-up capacities to reach out to communities with social mobilization and awareness raising messages in support of routine immunization and polio eradication effort”, says Dan Rohrmann, UNICEF Representative in Pakistan.“

On this prestigious occasion, Chairman KE & Partner of Abraaj Group Tabish Gauhar expressed his gratitude and said, “We will continue to do what’s best for this country and its people. Empowering the youth and providing them with basic necessities should be of utmost importance, and through such drives, we believe we are returning something to the community who we are indebted to. We believe in sustainable investment and we will work hard in order to achieve our target, which is, a better Pakistan “.

The partnership also aims to create wider community engagement and effective participation in healthcare programmes through sports.Later this year, the KE annual football league in partnership with UNICEF will be used as a vehicle to reach out to the youth within the same communities. The footballers will act as community champions to engage with caregivers and children to raise awareness about immunization and ensure that the message of being protected against deadly diseases reaches every household in these communities.

For Further information:

KE: Media Department, media@ke.com.pk Phone: +92-346-8223641, +92-345-8286193, +92-300-2281192k

UNICEF: Abid Hasan, cell +92-324204354, ahasan@unicef.org

About KE:

K-Electric Limited (KE) is at present the only vertically-integrated power utility in Pakistan that manages the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to the city. The Company covers over 6,500 sq /kms and supplies electricity to all the industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential areas that come under its network, comprising over 2.3 million customers in Karachi and in the nearby towns of Dhabeji and Gharo in Sindh and Hub, Uthal, Vindar and Bela in Balochistan.


UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.